Text/HTML Entry Fee Adults $6 Children $2 Committee President: Julie Dowleans Tel: (04) 1960 6209 E: namoiechomuseum@gmail.com Treasurer: Brian Warren Tel: (04) 2766 8932 Secretary: Margaret Warren Membership Click on the link to download Membership Form Membership Form (pdf) Membership Form (Word)
About us About Us The Namoi Echo Museum and Wee Waa Historical Society collects and displays items, machinery and documents pertaining to the history and culture of the Wee Waa district, promotes its history and provides family research from its extensive archives. The Echo Museum opened in 2006.. The museum is home to many wonderful exhibits relating to the local area including history of agriculture such as cotton, wheat and wool. The museum houses a fabulous array of precious old machinery, a spray plane, one of the original 2 row cotton pickers, a Blacksmith's shop, Aboriginal Artifacts, and many old items from the past including tools and domestic goods. Schwagers cottage located on the museum site was originally the local saw mill cabin. In the 1880's with the arrival of the railway line the cottage was relocated to Alma Street. In 1987 the Wee Waa and district Historical society was formed. The Historical Society received a parcel of land from the Racecourse and Showground Trust which is the present site of the Namoi Echo Museum.
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Text/HTML Schwager's Cottage Here is a virtual tour of Schwager's Cottage found on You Tube that we thought you would all enjoy. Location The Wee Waa Echo Museum is located on the right hand side of the entrance to Wee Waa in Rose Street. Facilities Coach Groups Welcome Toilets BBQ Facilities Disabled Access Parking